First of all, this post gonna be a long post sebab post yang disimpan dan diperap dalam Microsoft Word sebab nya segans nak post, hekhek, gedik sgt statement, hihi :)
And before proceed with this post atau maybe after dah baca post ni pun takpe, maybe you can spend few minutes untuk baca this intro, MY NEW LIFE!
2 MAY 2012, Wednesday
Kat class UNGS tetibe tnye Ejah pasal this product (as can
be seen in A4 paper that we use to communicate during the class).
Before ni mmg
dah dengar sikit sikit plus baca few blogpost by Amalina Peter. Then lagi lah
rasa nak sgt ATAS 2 SEBAB UTAMA!
1) Nak
kurus sbb nk jumpa keluarga bakal mertua *insyaAllah kalau ada jodoh dan dipermudahkan urusan time pergi jumpa, aii seram okeh* on august 2012, for the first time!
2) Nak
earn extra income for ‘us’ after getting married insyaAllah on January 2013.
So, that afternoon till night, I keep on thinking who I can
borrow money. And finally, the one and only friend that I can think of, Fadzil.
And Alhamdulillah he agreed to lend me some money. Syukur. So I text-ed Ejah
asked her to come and bring the weight scale, am all ready to start this
aku gelak baca ayat Ejah yg ni "nampak tak permainan sihat & gembira disitu". HAHAHA.
Oh before that baik kita cerita sikit history berat badan kita.
2006 (Form 3) - 98kg memula, amek satu product, lose 8 kg, stopped and gained 16kg. Stop sebab ubat tu takde kementerian kesihatan, tak lalu mkn wpun sekeping biskut.
2008 (Form 5) - 106kg
2009 (Kerja) - 98kg (january) *seluar size 44, 88 kg (april) *seluar size 36-38, byk lose kt perut. time ni kurus sebab guna Nice Feel, sape kenal kita and pernah jadi customer kita dorang tahu la, sbb dulu kita jual product ni atas request kwn kwn and kita ada tulis testimoni sendiri tapi dh delete atas sebab appearance dlm gmbr lama lama dh lain dgn appearance skrg :)
2010 (CFS IIUM last sem) - Turun sampai 77kg *paling kurus seluar size 31.
2011 (Main campus) - gained sampai 83kg *seluar size 36 and perut dah ade T_T.
2012 (kehidupan bahagia apabila bertemu si cinta hati bakal suami end of 2011) - gained 93kg *ni MACAM MACAM ADAAAA -.-".
And .. dah turun sikit sikit, plus now ambil herbalife :)
3 MAY 2012, Thursday
Walaupun rasa macam nak ambil tapi masih ‘risau’ dengan
risiko yang bakal dihadapi, serious RISAU CUAK TAKUT sume ade! Know what,
tengah online tadi, alang alang gatal tangan pergi search ‘buruk tentang
Tahu ape keluar?
MACAM MACAM. Aku dah panas punggung dah, aku click sume
sampai penuh tab aku!
*gmbr print screen ni lepas aku close few tab ye, lupa nk
print screen awal awal. And tgk kt screen tu de highlight herbalife, sbb aku
carik post tntg herbalife x jmpe, aku tekan la FIND, skali aku type herbalife,
mende tu yg kua? T_T
Dan semua semua window aku bukak, TAKDE KENE MENGENA NGAN
KEBURUKAN HERBALIFE. Choyyy, bikin aiii risau je okeh!
Ps ; and for those yang tak percaya ngn cerita aku, boleh
tgk tarikh bwh tu, maklum la, aku kepam semua cerita aku ni kat Microsoft Word
je sbb aku takut nak bagitau orang aku amek herbalife, tak semua akan sokong,
byk yang akan membantah kan, maklum la, aku ni sendiri jenis yang hampeh, mane
org nk pcaye dah aku amek sume sume ni.
Dan, lepas sesi google tu lagi lah aku rasa ‘hmm, okay, cuba
je cuba okay?’. Haaa, lebih kurg cemtu la! Tapi still aku masih nak tgk hari esok mcm mane, HOM.
5 MAY 2012, Saturday
Semalam tak sempat nak update pape pun, sebab semalam mmg
lah busy gile. Mana taknya siapkan assignment seharian tak tidur sampai 2.30pm *ehem PM ye bukan AM, mmg seharian habes*, then tdo terjaga terjaga sbb ade org org call, then kul 7.40pm cemtu bru bgn sbb kwn call sbb lupa tonight ade HOM Herbalife. Mcm talk ape tah, first time pun nak
Okay, ktorg gerak around 8.40pm kot? So sampai like around
9pm and sgt lah full, aku dh ler lapa tk mkn ape bende seharian ni smpat bli
air je, then time ejah naik tngge tmpt tu, aku siap tnye ;
" Ni nak bwk aku gi hotel murah ke? "
Dan kata kata aku tu tak dijawab sbb terus terkejut kt
tangga dah jem. Full house! Aku pun ape lagi, nganga! Sebab ape? Sebab aku
paling tak suka MLM dan talk talk dia yg akan guna speaker yg mmg sweet talker
habes plus penuh cemgitu, sesak!
So, lepas aku dapat seat, time tu masih sesi ‘TESTIMONI’.
You’ll see those yang dah success turun berat bdn, muka dh better, penyakit tu
penyakit ni dh kurang etc etc akan bagi real testimony, and dorg dgn
semangatkan akan laungkan mcm motto kot, “Thanks Allah, Thanks Herbalife”. And
deep down, aku terharu sikit sbb those people, those who success, they never
forget to Thanked Allah for good things that happen to them.
Sebab I’ve been in this kind of place like few times, to
‘pleased’ member member yg ajak masuk Skor A lah memacam lah kan, so I was like
‘buat muka’. Its not muka yg snobbish tu, tp muka as if, ‘I’m not moved even a
bit, I won You Lose’. Something like that lah.
Then the program continued with the best achiever for the month,
I cant remember her name while writing this, but she’s from UIA. She got like
RM5k plus plus for her last month income if im not mistaken, and not a full
time, part time independent herbalife distributor. Then, part pasal income tu
continue dgn member member lain bagi testimony, just like the first
module, but this time those who earn income from this product.
I AM NOT MOVED BY ANYONE *tapi cam ade ter sikit sikit sbb
ade sorg mamat ni hemsem sgt kot*, HAHAHA, sorry sayang kalau you terbaca, I was just joking, hihi, gelak sket meh, hehe.
Okay, continue …
until .....
theres one makcik ni. Well, ade 2 makcik, satu tu tua, yg aku ckp ni yang late
40’s. dia ni tak silap, husband meninggal dah, then ade nak. Time awal husband
dia meninggal, dia bankrupt, and ade anak kecik 4 years old. BANKRUPT AND
And kenapa aku moved bila part dia?
WHYYYYY? otoke otoke? *oh si hantu korea! .. hihi. sebab nyaaaaaaaa ...
Sebab, my mom was a single mother since I am 9 years old,
she borrowed money from anyone she can thinks of just to raise her 4 children
yang before ni hidup mewah sbb parents both kerja, but then have to change 300
degree drpd mewah kepada ‘tolonglah bersyukur’. Another 60 degree sbb ktorg
blom lg smpi tahap tak makan, we still can eat pizzas sometime. But, apa org
tktau, that pizza pun hutang? Mcm mana hutang? BUKAN LAH PERGI CKP KT CASHIER
MASUK BUKU 555 kan, tapi, with her credit card!
You know why sometimes I hate my mom? My own mother ye, yes
sometimes I do hate her .. Because she has too many credit card, theres a time
that ALL those cards are over-limit, cannot be use but still have to pay. And,
if I asked her to terminate those cards and just pay every months, dia TAKMAUUU.
And I asked ‘why’. She replied “those are for you guys. InsyaAllah I still can
pay monthly, but if I terminate the card, you guys wont get what you want, like
what you used to have".
**bukan benci sebab apa, sebab dia terlalu syg ktorg, OH MAMA, I LEBIU MWAHMWAH!
Petrol, pizzas, jeans, clothes, everything .. just by swipe
those cards.
And start from that moment, I promise that if I do have
extra money, I’ll help her to pay those card, insyaAllah oneday cause my
intention is not a bad intention, I know oneday somehow somewhere, I will have
the chance to help her.
**TETTTT lari topik lari topik!
OKAYYYY back to cerita makcik tadi. Tahuuu tak, dia cerita
sambil sedih sikit sikit, pastu lepas dia cm tahan nk nangis, dia nk sambung
cerita, dia bleh ckp “haa, kan dah lupa nk ckp ape dah!”. Hihi, comel!
So, cerita dia, first time di HOM, dia xde duit wpun dia nk
sgt register jd member RM98. Then dia kumpul lah kumpul memacam cara, untuk dpt
RM98 tu, then once dpt dia terus register. Lpas register, dia promote la this
health product kt semua, and the commission she got from the sales that she
made as a member are the money she used to buy herbalife product for the FIRST
TIME and its for herself lah.
And now, she earns like RM10k++ lupe la. And words dari dia
yg btol2 buat aku terkesan ialah ;
“ Saya terfikir, anak anak saya TAK LAYAK hidup susah dgn
And straight away saya teringat OMAK sayaaa, OH MAMA,
iloveyouuu, sobs sobs *I pun dh begenang begenang sebelum makcik tu buat lawak
dia lupa dialog T_T
And after that, I enjoyed the program till the end. Well,
best sbnrnya once kita try utk terima bende tu. Aku enjoy ngan cerita pasangan
suami isteri yang berjaya semua, memacam lah.
And, aku balek lewat gile, smpi bilik Ejah around 1am, then
borak pasal produk, terus daftar jadi ahli and beli 1 month produk dengan
PINJAMAN WANG DARI CLASSMATE UIA LAST SEM ehhh! Huhu, that was a tough decision ive
ever made, sbb aku tak pernah hutang orang, plus its not RM50 okay? Its moreeee
than that!
Okay, the next point pun cam best nih!
Then aku tdo almost 4am, and knw what, aku masih mampu bgn
subuh Alhamdulillah. And, aku terus balek bilik aku around 8am cemtu, siap
sempat singgah amek laundry berat tu sume, balek je bilik, aku borak dgn encik
bakal suami aku tu, cerita lah sume sume pasal bende ni,
Btw, ktorg mmg sama sbb ‘WE ARE ANTI-MLM, WE DON’T TRUST
Yeahhhh! Then encik bakal suami pun mcm, "okay syg, nnt sy tlg la awk, sorry la nk bg onjm duit sy tkde tp nt sy tlg awk and saya support awk" *lebih kurg la ayat dia, hihi, encik bakal suami ni sgt ommey!
*ni important message* , bukan ini, bawah bawah! :P hihi
Pastu, pas habes sesi beramah mesra, saya pun try ler minum tok breakfast, maklum first day kannn. Tahu tak? I nih dh ler jumaat tak
tdo langsung malam sampai ke ptg 3pm tu, then bgn 7.40pm tu, I mean tk cukup la
bg those yg x tdo lgsg kannn, then mlm semalam pulak tdo kul 4pagi, bgn kul
7pagi kan? And right after minum2 tu egt nk lelap lah jap en, saya dgn rajinya,
buat perkara seperti di bawah ;
- Kemas bilik bersepah, atur2, alih2 supaya sng nk
sapu and lap semua habuk, dr rak buku ke rak makanan ke locker, ke bwh meja
hbes lah sume!
- Then sapu bilik, buang sampah, kemas perabeh
smpi tersusun elok kemas sbb bilik cm sarang lepas 2 mggu pulun bt assignment.
- Then aku pi bwk tikar and bntal jemur tgh panas.
- Aku susun kasut kt luar
- Aku lap la bekas2 kotor, lap2 tiang meja ni berhabuk.
- Then aku kemas brg2 mne nk sesiap hntr rumah sbb
next sem tukar bilik.
- Aku cuci lptop ni nye keyboard, lap screen.
see! see! bilik kemas, meja kemas tanpa rambut rambut gugur lagi, tanpa buku berselerak, kertas penuh berterabur, blom dgn botol botol air mineral ngn bekas makanan lah T_T, dah kemas!
Bgus tak? Bilik aku harini xde habuk, tak caye meh arini
buat inspection, tapi sah sah la, takleh sbb aku post bende ni pun tktau bile, hekhek. aku perap je post2 ni dlm Microsoft word kan? HAHAHA :D
So conclusion aku nak bagitau yang, AKU BERTENAGA, NO JOKE. Sumpah
aku serius kurang tdo, tersangat kurang tapi aku memang bertenaga.
Aku ni memang kaki tdo lambat, sebab suka buat kerja last minute, aku pernah seminggu berturut tdo 2-4 jam sehari, serious weh, and tahu tak, letih aku tu letih yang sgt penat sebab LETIH MINDAAAAA SKALI. Tapi yang ni, wpun aku tak tidur, serious aku tak letih minda, aku active lagi ade T_T. Sampai aku cakap kt Ejah ..
" kalau gini nye active pun seram jugak, kurang tdo le aku cenggini "
Okay, skrg ni aku kene stop menulis sbb dah 4 page Microsoft
word, dah ler ade assignment and test nxt week, baik lah aku mulakan bt bnde yg
lebih berfaedah.
** sampai situ je post aku yg aku perap sebab ape sekejap je? egt kan nk perap lama, tapi sebab just in one day aku dah tengok result yang sangat ohsem. terpulang lah nak percaya ke tak :)
And with this post,
i sincerely wanna ask for my mom's forgiveness
sebab baby masih teruskan niat guna herbalife walaupun mama tak bagi, tapi mama tak bagi pun sebab baby ni tak disiplin dan hangat hangat bunga tahi ayam, tapi insyaAllah, just pray for me, apa baby tulis dalam ni, atas atas ni semua benar belaka, insyaAllah doakan je semua dipermudahkan. baby seronok bila bertenaga and tak tidur petang lagi mcm selalu, sebab mama selalu call tanya "aikk, tido lg ke?" .. nampak sgt anak you ni suka tdoq kann :D hihi, loveyou mom.